Issue No. 3


How to Fight Antisemitism on Campus

Start by following the law: Columbia Professor and Dean Emeritus of Law and Economics David Schizer writes in an opinion piece on CNN that universities must face the consequences of having allowed antisemitism to fester within the halls of academia unchecked for so long. There is much they can do to combat it and they need to start now.
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Moral imperative to define and denounce antisemitism: The path forward to is follow the law and enforce the rules for everyone.
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Colleges warn demonstrators: Many schools are getting fed up with protesters and they’re beginning to enforce their own rules.
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Columbia & UPenn: Case Studies in Chaos & Unenforced Rules

Protestors assault Israeli-Arab journalist: Pro-Palestinian protestors punched Israeli Arab activist Yoseph Haddad in the face while he was on his way to Columbia University to deliver an lecture organized and sponsored by Students Supporting Israel.
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UPenn revokes SJP charter: The group must immediately cease any connection with the university due to student code violations and bans the group from campus. 
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Professors indoctrinating students: Videotapes have been circulating online of Columbia professors teaching their version of the Middle East conflict, along with activist tactics, in classrooms for years.
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 At Northwestern University

Antisemitic Flyer

Antisemitic Flyers

On Admitted Students Day at NU, protesters shouted at newly admitted students and passed out offensive flyers that surely must violate NU’s student code.


Viral Posts on X/Twitter: Influencers and scholars noticed the protests and the flyers on Admitted Students Day.
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…and More

Our report card needs improvement: Northwestern received a D from the ADL in a new report on Campus Antisemitism.
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NU’s Questionable Partners: Northwestern features prominently in this survey of the U.S. universities taking the most money and being influenced by Qatar.
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NU official attends rally: According to The Daily Northwestern, Dean of Students Mona Dugo was at a rally of students who claim that NU “weaponizes antisemitism to silence pro-Palestinian activism” and said that she was there in order to “protect the right to free speech” of the protesters.
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Comments from the NU Community of Jewish Alumni, Students & Families

  • What happened on Admitted Students Day was a disgrace. The administration showed both current and admitted students and their families that it cares nothing about providing a safe environment for Jewish students. Plenty of these admits have other choices and I wouldn’t blame them for fleeing NU for their other options. 

  • The Daily article said the Dean/VP of Wellness was on site to “protect the right to free speech.” Nothing here about the administration’s role in making sure no lines were crossed or that the protest was nonviolent, or even protecting the rights of non-protesters.

  • As far as I know, NU continues to fail to provide any guidelines for what constitutes hate speech, when and where protests are permitted, what happens when classes are disrupted, etc. These need to be clearly stated so that consequences can be enforced when the rules are violated. Not having these rules is grossly negligent. It means no rules are enforced, and it encourages the hateful conduct. We are worried that this will degenerate quickly and we will have a Columbia situation on our hands if nothing continues to be done.

  • The quality of the reporting in the Daily is deeply troubling. If it is any indication of what is being taught in the classroom, we strongly recommend an examination of the Medill curriculum. Has the curriculum been watered down to pander to student or possibly even faculty interests at the expense of teaching basic skills and critical thinking? That appears to be the case, and it is appalling to watch Medill to deteriorate in this manner. 

  • If Medill is partnering with Al Jazeera, why not also partner with Tass? Or Xinhua? These official news agencies are also state-owned and have comparable standards to Al Jazeera. Obviously that would be ridiculous, just like it makes no sense for Medill to partner with Qatar’s state-owned news agency. Al Jazeera will never uphold the standards of independent western-style journalism until it is no longer state-owned and that is not going to happen.

  • How can NU have and support an antisemite as the "interfaith" chaplain? … She's the antithesis of interfaith. She has no understanding of religious and political tolerance. And she seems motivated to hound "Zionists" off-campus. She's not even an impressive scholar. Why is she here?

  • The administration has yet to address any of these horrific "free speech" behaviors, from the antisemitic rhetoric, tropes and propaganda graffitied all over campus to the increasingly loud and aggressive protests. Where is the leadership? Students come to college to learn about life in addition to academics. If the NU fails to enforce consequences for this behavior, the university is failing miserably in its responsibilities to all of its students and society. Northwestern used to be better than this. We cannot continue to support a university that is failing in this manner. I cannot imagine how Jewish students on campus feel right now, or anyone who may dare to hold a different opinion than these protesters and the faculty members who encourage them, like Wendy Pearlman, Stephen Thrasher, and Tahera Ahmad ("interfaith?" Come on!!). In my years at NU, debate was robust, but there was also respect and decency towards others and the university.


Issue No. 4


Issue No. 2