Issue No. 2

University Initiatives Around the Country

Big 10

The University of Michigan announced it has established a DEI Initiative on Jewish Life and Antisemitism to advance education and action to combat antisemitic bias and oppression.  They published a flyer with an excellent education on Passover.

Also at Michigan, the university is considering banning activities that disrupt university operations or facilities following a protest organized by a coalition of student groups against Israel during a ceremony honoring student achievement. The proposed policy restricts activity that disrupts the "free flow of persons about campus, whether indoors or outdoors, including any pedestrian, bicycle or vehicular traffic." It would also ban disruption of university activities, performances and other school proceedings.


Dispelling myths and not being afraid to say so, a coalition of 25 Yale faculty members participated in a 5-day education mission to Israel and were astounded by what they saw and learned on their journey. 

Notable quotes:

"Contrary to the apartheid charge leveled against Israel in general and Israeli academic institutions in particular, we saw precisely the opposite."

"Unlike the scene on American campuses, Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druze and Jewish students understand that their job is to learn, not to fight each other."

West Coast

Nineteen California college students arrested over pro-Palestine protests “Any participants in today’s events on the SCC lawn or in Alexander Hall, who turn out to be Pomona students, are subject to immediate suspension.” - Pomona College President Starr

USC awarded its highest honor (awarded only three times in its history) to several Holocaust survivors who have participated in preservation programs under the Shoah Foundation, a USC initiative founded 30 years ago by Steven Spielberg to document the stories of the Holocaust survivors. 

Notable quotes:

"USC is making a rare gesture to recognize the crippling effect of anti-Jewish hatred on society and the human spirit."

“We all know antisemitism is on the rise and frighteningly so, and we feel the searing pain of Oct. 7,” President  Folt said to more than 200 attendees at the campus ceremony, including 30 Holocaust survivors and their families.”

Mid Atlantic

American University announced it is fighting antisemitism by banning protests inside campus buildings to help Jewish students feel safer on campus, clarifying and enforcing its code of conduct in a powerful and clear manner.


Vanderbilt University suspends multiple students involved in a 24-hour sit-in at the Chancellor's office. The Chancellor's firm response earned him a "Hero of the Week" designation from a large organization called End Jew Hatred.

Notable quote:

"The university will take action when our policies are violated, when the safety of our campus is jeopardized and when people intimidate or injure members of our community," said Daniel Diermeier, chancellor of Vanderbilt University.”

Another recent editorial praised Vanderbilt's action, noting in the headline that "Vanderbilt shows how to handle entitled student mobs." The article noted that suspensions need to be a more common tool when dealing with these “protests.” The Wall Street Journal published another glowing Op Ed on the subject.

Big Picture: University Presidents changing their tune on anti-israel protests College presidents growing a spine? Universities increasingly laying down the law against antisemitism

U.S. Government

Latest Antisemitism Lawsuits

The US Department of Education is opening a discrimination investigation into UC Santa Barbara, where the Jewish president of its student government association was the subject of harassment.

Investigation Request

The Zachor Legal Institute has filed a request with US Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and its associated organizations for a violent harassment campaign and for depriving Jewish students of their rights.

New State Legislation

In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order requiring public institutions of higher education to update their free speech policies and include the definition of antisemitism and establish punishment for antisemitic rhetoric.

Notable quote:

"Now, we must work to ensure that our college campuses are safe spaces for members of the Jewish community."

New Research

ADL Report

Antisemitic propaganda increased 30% in 2023, translating into an average of 20 incidents per day, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League. The increase is largely due to white supremicists applauding the barbaric acts of terrorism in Israel on Oct. 7.

Questions/Comments from our Community

Comment from a new CAAN subscriber:

My name is XXX and my daughter ED'd at NU for the fall. We're very concerned about the environment for Jewish students on campus. Thank you for sharing the progress of NU's Committee for Preventing Antisemitism and Hate. Why are the committee's meetings focused more on Arab students and Islamophobia than antisemitism? It seems unbalanced. What upcoming meetings will they hold regarding antisemitism? Given the climate on campus, we thought many times about breaking her ED, which we would never have imagined even contemplating before. Thank you for this group and all the information you share.

Comment from another ED parent:

I've already chatted with two other mothers in a Facebook group that currently have Freshman at NU and their children have experienced antisemitism on campus. One had to change roommates this year as a Freshman because the roommate wasn't comfortable with the student being Jewish. My daughter was so excited about NU and all the news that we hear from here has deflated her joy. She's an easygoing and studious girl (on the quieter side) and I know she just wants to make great friends, love her classes and try lots of clubs. I hope she feels accepted, safe and finds her people at NU.

It's really interesting to us too - my daughter's school here is quite liberal, we have many different nationalities with Afghan, Egyptian, Israeli, Syrian students. There is discussion and debate. People have strong views. But there is no hate or intimidation. There is also a  good-sized Israeli population here and they feel safe. I wish US college campuses would be more like this.

Comment from a current parent:

The campus feels very stilted right now. We hear loud anti-Israel voices coming from faculty members. Our students do not feel comfortable or welcome in classrooms with those faculty members. Our students do not feel welcome in the 80 or so student organizations that signed onto the anti-Israel propaganda statement earlier in the year. It feels like a good portion of campus is off-limits for our students, especially considering there are no voices that seem to be comfortable speaking for the other side. It does not feel like healthy debate and it is very intimidating for Jewish students.

Comment from current parent:

Why is the Rock glorifying the sick and demented action of a deranged person who killed himself using fire? Martyrdom and self-mutilation are dangerous values to hold up for college students who are at higher risk than the general population for depression. Has anyone checked into the mental health of those responsible? I'm concerned about them.

Comment from current parent:  

I am astounded that Tahera Ahmad is still posting the most anti-semitic, made up garbage I insist that someone tell us why she is not stopped.? Calling the USA Terrorists?  Accusing Israel of genocide? Likening prisoners to hostages?  Claiming Israel is committing a holocaust against Palestinians.  Not just biased but full of untruths. How can she be interfaith anything?I am  demanding NU do something.


Issue No. 3


Issue No. 1