Issue #7

Six US House committees are investigating antisemitism at 10 universities including Northwestern, which could lead to the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds. We implore our trustees and stakeholders to take action before the situation gets even worse.

As the quarter comes to an end, the Code of Conduct remains unenforced, leaving many Northwestern community members feeling abandoned by University leadership.

Campus News Headlines

Schill’s “Deal with Campus Antisemites”: President Schill testified before Congress that the encampment was a source of campus antisemitism, so he struck a deal with the protesters.

“Northwestern says it is reviewing its code of conduct, but a code is irrelevant if university leaders lack the courage to enforce it.”

Read OpEd in Wall Street Journal

Continued Calls for Schill’s Resignation: Major Jewish organizations issue joint call for immediate leadership change at Northwestern.

“President Schill’s testimony before Congress on May 23, 2024, underscored significant leadership challenges at Northwestern University. Through his short tenure of less than two-years, concerns regarding antisemitism, discrimination, racism and xenophobia have been repeatedly raised. Schill has neither enforced Northwestern’s Code of Conduct, nor proposed any credible solution to address these issues.”

Read Announcement from Stand With Us

Qatar’s Northwestern Connection: The time has come to end Qatar’s antisemitic influence on campus.

“If we want to extinguish the hate, we must recognize that antisemitism has been fueled by Qatari and Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated money and anti-democratic, anti-American forces.”

Read OpEd in The Hill

Congress Expands Antisemitism Probe: Committees begin laying the groundwork to cut off federal funding to institutions including Northwestern that have failed to act.

“Several of the House’s most powerful committees will now join the investigation to determine if the 10 schools should have their federal funding slashed for violating Jewish students' civil rights.”

Read More in The Washington Free Beacon

Educating with Clear Bias: A former Northwestern Daily editor blasts campus media bias in general, but specifically at Northwestern.

“In some ways I don’t fault The Daily – I fault Northwestern for employing professors like Steven Thrasher who has repeatedly reiterated the message to Medill students that “our work is not about objectivity,” Thrasher most recently stating this during the encampment as a faculty organizer. The hypocrisy and irony that this is the message coming from one of the top journalism schools in the world is pretty high. It degrades the integrity of journalism and fuels the pervasive bias we see today, and will unfortunately likely see from the next generation of journalists if this continues.”

Read More in Honest Reporting

San Jose State Prof Suspended for Supporting Students in Rule-Breaking EncampmentActivities: Unlike Northwestern, which continues to turn a blind eye toward even more disturbing action by faculty and staff members, other universities are seeing fit to enforce their policies.

“At the core of the university’s allegations is that Kil violated the university’s “Freedom of Expression and Time, Place and Manner” policy, which imposes some limitations on free speech events held on the university’s property.” 

Read More in Los Angeles Times

Northwestern Has Changed: What used to be a welcoming environment has degenerated into one that only welcomes those with anti-Israel views, and Schill’s lack of leadership is not helping.

“In a new low, Steven Thrasher, whose title at Medill is ‘chair of social justice in reporting,’ shockingly told students at the encampment that ‘our work is not about objectivity.’"

Read OpEd in Jerusalem Post

Lawsuit Accuses SJP of Aiding Hamas: Most students in the protests have been genuinely misled and it’s time to expose who stands to benefit from the encampments.

“We might actually save a generation of Americans from accidentally walking into a terrorist cult.”

Read More at Fox News

Viral Social Media Posts

WOW—SJP and AMP get bombshell demand letter from House Oversight Committee: View Post

Schill forfeited the safety of Jewish students and then had the audacity to Stonewall Congress: View Post

Northwestern’s Schill slammed by Stefanik in brutal hearing: View Post

Comments from the NU Community of Jewish Alumni, Students & Families

“We all know SJP alone does not get enough funding from the school to purchase that big tent and all those small tents that showed up in the encampment. The government is investigating NSJP, SJP, AMP etc. But the school has a responsibility to find out who is behind this activity on a private campus.”

The encampment agreement has loopholes in it that you could drive a truck through. It is not specific and that is typical SCHILL. He makes a vague agreement without clear delineation of terms. How does a guy like this get to be president of a major university, let alone one of the supposed caliber of Northwestern?”

“I’ve heard the board is unhappy with Schill and Barris, and that they are angry about not being consulted regarding the encampment agreement. I think the board should act to get rid of both Barris and Schill for embarrassing the school and putting us in this situation.”

“Both Schill and Barris seem completely out of touch and have a blatant disregard for the fair treatment of Jewish students on campus. They would not act this way for other minority groups and they should be ashamed of themselves. I am sick of Schill hiding behind his own Judaism as an excuse to do nothing.”


Issue #8


House Investigation