Issue #8

Campus News Headlines

Northwestern Obstructs Congressional Investigation: The U.S. House Committee reports that Northwestern is not cooperating with its investigation.

“Foxx said in the letter that “Northwestern’s record suggests that it does not take complying with the Committee’s oversight efforts or upholding its Title VI obligations to protect Jewish students seriously.”“Both are unacceptable,” she wrote.”

Read about it in The College Fix

Liberal Universities Serve to Sharpen Conservative Leaders
: Being surrounded by ideological opponents on campuses that lack a plethora of views is helping to strengthen the next generation of conservative leaders. 

“Who is better prepared for life after college: the conservative students who learned how to mobilize the nation’s leading publications and free-speech organizations, or the progressive students who tried to censor peers for documenting a public protest? I think it’s the former.”

Read about it in The Atlantic

Lawmakers Demand Northwestern Severs Ties with Terrorist-Linked Al Jazeera
: The Medill-Al Jazeera alliance continues to befuddle the Qatari-funded news organization with active terrorists on its payroll.

"It is unacceptable for any American university that receives hundreds of millions of dollars in annual federal funding to partner with organizations whose members are terrorists or whose reporting incites terror on behalf of Hamas.” 

Read about it at Fox News

Law Firm Implores Northwestern to Nullify Ill-Conceived Encampment Deal
: The time has come to end Qatar’s antisemitic influence on campus.

“This outrageous capitulation to accommodate the demands of antisemitic agitators — who openly espoused vicious antisemitism, assaulted, spat on, and stalked Jewish students and engaged in numerous violations of Northwestern’s codes and policies — only enables and encourages future misconduct,” the letter said. “It is in plain violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, risks triggering state anti-BDS sanctions, and apparently was made without the required approval of the Board of Trustees and in contravention of Northwestern’s bylaws and university statues.”

Read about it in The Algemeiner

Northwestern Funding is Being Scrutinized:
Links to Qatar and Al Jazeera, along with a Congressional investigation, are leading to questions about Northwestern’s funding sources.

“They don't need taxpayer help. They need to lighten the load on the American taxpayer,” Andrzejewski said. “Maybe Congress, instead of subsidizing them, should consider taxing them.”

Read about it at NBC15

Northwestern Hires DC Lobbying Firm Before Congressional Hearings:
To prepare him for the Congressional hearing, President Schill was briefed by a well-known conservative lobbing firm.

“Northwestern University hired Harbinger Strategies to lobby on issues related to “Congressional oversight of Institutions of Higher Education” two weeks before university President Michael Schill appeared before a House committee for a hearing on antisemitism on college campuses. John Leganski, most recently former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) deputy chief of staff, is one of the lobbyists on the account.”

Read about it in The Hill

NYU Settles Antisemitism Lawsuit and Makes Changes
: In addition to settling with the students for an undisclosed sum, NYU committed to enforcing its own student code of conduct and complying with Title VI and other civil rights statutes for all students including Jews and Israelis. 

“NYU, by entering into this historic settlement, is to be commended for taking a leading position among American universities in combating antisemitism on campus. Other universities should promptly follow their lead,” said Marc Kasowitz, an attorney for the plaintiffs, in the joint statement.”

Read about it at

Faculty Agitators Evade Consequences
: Four Northwestern employees involved in antisemitic encampment activity and altercations with University police continue to have a free pass.

"The Northwestern employees were charged with obstructing police, months after the encampment came down. Now the cases have been dismissed.

Read about it at

Multibillion-dollar Corporation Listens to Feedback from Stakeholders and Takes Action
: Meta will remove hate speech targeting Zionists and Jews from its platforms.

"Going forward, we will remove content attacking “Zionists” when it is not explicitly about the political movement, but instead uses antisemitic stereotypes, or threatens other types of harm through intimidation, or violence directed against Jews or Israelis under the guise of attacking Zionists..."

Read Meta’s Policy Forum Update

Mother of First American Student Murdered by Hamas Speaks Out
: News sources and political activists continue to spread false equivalences and extend human rights protection to everyone but Jews.

"The same terrorists who helped plan my son’s execution are now overseeing the murder and kidnapping of other young Jews. The same newspapers that, back then, minimized our suffering as understandable collateral in a complicated conflict continue to draw false equivalences and refuse to condemn the murderers for what they are. The same so-called defenders of human rights and dignity seem to extend sympathy to all but the targeted Jews."

Read about it in Tablet


Viral Social Media Posts

Congressman calls for Schill’s resignation.
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Northwestern’s Professor Thrasher explains how the Pro-Gaza University encampments are “dynamic learning and pedagogical spaces” (neglecting to mention the documented support from terrorist groups affiliated with Iran).
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Comments from the NU Community of Jewish Alumni, Students & Families

“Where is Northwestern’s Board of Trustees? Are they dead? If not, they should be springing into action to get this place cleaned up.”

“I am totally disgusted by Northwestern’s hiring of a well-known Republican DC lobbying firm to try to get off easy from the congressional investigation. Meanwhile, Northwestern has not been cooperating with the investigation and Schill has been obstructionist. Overall, this is a MAJOR ethical breach. How does Northwestern have ANY credibility with its students and alumni when it’s acting like Big Tobacco or Oxycodone Pharma?”

“I will never donate to Northwestern again. I can’t stand the idea of my money being used to line the wallet of a weasel and to grease DC lobbyists.”

“I can’t believe Thrasher still has a job, Al Jazeera is still affiliated with Medill, and Northwestern still has a Qatar campus. It’s like they want Northwestern to look like an Iranian proxy university.”


Issue #9


Issue #7